The farming of crocodiles is an industry that can be very profitable but also very dangerous if the proper steps are not taken. It can take 3 to 4 years for a crocodile to reach an appropriate size for meat and skins. There are several steps that must be taken into account to ensure that the safety of the animals is always the priority.
The first step to start a crocodile farm is to acquire land and water rights. Crocodile farms need to have the proper infrastructure which can include pens or enclosures for holding the animals, a hatchery, and sheds for processing the meat and skins. The farms must also have access to freshwater as the crocodiles are prey animals and need fresh food to survive. The freshwater can be obtained by drilling a well or through some other means.
Once the necessary infrastructure is in place, the crocodiles are added to the farm. This can be done either by collecting eggs from the wild or purchasing hatchlings. The crocodiles must be separated by age so that the older crocodiles can be protected from younger ones and so that the different groups can be fed separately. The crocodiles must also be monitored for signs of disease or parasites and their feed must be regularly changed to keep them healthy.
Another challenge faced by crocodile farmers is the high cost of feeding the animals. Crocodiles are carnivores and require a diet rich in protein. They are also very sensitive to changes in temperature and water quality. Crocodiles that are not fed properly can become dehydrated and this can lead to diseases and a loss of income for the farmer.
It is also important to be aware of the cruel treatment of crocodiles. The crocodiles are slaughtered for their skins which are sold for a premium price to fashion houses around the world. Footage has been released by the organisation Farm Transparency Project that shows crocodiles being electrocuted in their pens, dragged out as they convulse and then killed. Workers shoot them in the head with a bolt gun and then sever their spinal cords with a knife. A rod is then forced up through the incision to scramble their brains and some of the crocodiles continue moving after this brutal ordeal. This is just one of the many ways that crocodiles are treated cruelly on crocodile farms.
The farming of crocodiles has become more and more common in Australia. The Northern Territory has over 135,000 crocodiles that are raised on farms. This is mainly for their leather which is used in handbags and other non-essential luxury items. The crocodile meat is also used in restaurants as well as for pet foods and the meat is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. It is estimated that the number of crocodiles being slaughtered for their skin has doubled since 2000 due to increased demand in Asia. The crocodiles are kept until they are 1.6 to 1.8 meters long and then they are slaughtered.